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Mon 27 Jan
•★ A •★• P E R F E C T •★ TEN •★• ___BLONDE___★• •★• - 23 (Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, IN or OUT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington)
*£π€* BEST kept SECRET *£π€* - 27 (Greensboro, InCALLS ONLY••• WENDOVER AVE)
Before I Go, Let Me Say... ... ... - 36 (Greensboro, Greensboro In Call/ Available for Out)
Bella **** Professional playmate *** - 22 (Greensboro, wendover ave)
beach - 43 (Greensboro)
----- (Greensboro, Burlington (incalls))
A night you won't forget (; - 21 (Greensboro, High Point)
$$$$ BeSt ! 2 ! GyRl ShOw In ThE CiTy @@@ LiMiTeD TyMe OnLy $$$$ - 69 (Greensboro, windover/safe clean incallz only)
8am-5pm Chardonnay Back In Town With Kandy Rain & Bubbles - 21 (Greensboro, Greensboro Nc Wendover Ave)
A class pornstar! - 21 (Greensboro, Greensboro ,Winston and Burlington)
Beautiful, Black,Juicy,Queen - 24 (Greensboro, High end hotel,)
-:✦:- BEND -:✦:- ME -:✦:- OVER - 28 (Where ever you want to play)
Bbw Fun - 20 (Greensboro)
be back soon - 19 (Greensboro, high point rd)
be back soon!!! - 24 (Greensboro, GSO/BURLINGTON/HP✌✈✈✈ OUTCALLS)
Ashleyyyy✨👑 :: Sweet,Spunky&&Sexy; Brunette Just For YOU💚 - 23 (Greensboro, Greensboro In And Out Calls 💎)
****are you ready for happiness? **** - 21 (Greensboro, outcall & incall)
& see ♥Hunne B. - 21 (Greensboro, GREENSBORO/TRIAD)
-:¦:- Limited ~-:¦:-~ Time ~-:¦:-~ Only -:¦:- - 22 (Greensboro, Greensboro&Surrounding; Areas)
>> - 21 (Greensboro)
Alexis Back At It!!! First Night!!!! - 25 (Greensboro, High Point, NC)
A fresh breath of air. - 28 (Greensboro, High Point)
Barbie Bombshell....... - 25 (Fayetteville, fayetteville incalls)
Ashley, blonde, petite, sexy Party Girl 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 - 25 (Greensboro, greensboro in and out calls everywhere)
angel - 23 (Greensboro, Salisbury NC)
*Angel Baby*come make a PLAY DATE*2 giRl ShoW ,UP ALL Night - 26 (Greensboro, greensboro/winston/burlington)
~-:¦:-~ SO♥EROTIC ~-:¦:-~ SO♥EXOTIC ~-:¦:-~ SO♥HYPNOTIC ~-:¦:-~ - 24 (Greensboro, 5★★★★★Star★★★★★Location)
✰ ---> ✰DREAMZ and CREAMZ ✰ (Greensboro, Howeever U Like It)
Amazing petite girl :-) :-) :-) :-) - 21 (Greensboro, Airport area)
adorable - 25 (Greensboro, burlington/greensboro)
A Lil bit of Austin - 22 (Greensboro, Greensboro airport)